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Recommendations for a Revival+

8 Pakistani films have been released this year. 7 more are waiting in line. This is unprecedented. It is no...

Read More+ 9 years ago
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The Business of Religion & The Commercialization of Ramzan+

As the holy month of Ramzan (yes, I prefer to pronounce it like that) commences, the whole desi populace somehow...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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Election Season Campaigns: The Roundup+

Campaigning is the best revenge. Politics and politicians (dead or alive) are never an off topic in Pakistan. Quite a...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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PAS Awards 2013: The Full Low Down+

The local advertising industry’s biggest night, PAS Awards, took place last night. For the full monty on who won, who...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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Lawn Wars: Episode 2013+

Amid all the upheaval our country is witnessing on frontiers more than one, it’s that time of the year again....

Read More+ 12 years ago
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25 Worst Brand Happenings of 2012+

A lot of brands did a lot of groudbreaking work last year as we reported in our Best of 2012...

Read More+ 12 years ago
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25 Best Brand Happenings of 2012+

Despite the Mayan’s best effort to spell end of game before the end of this year and thereby deny us...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Pakistani TV Comes Out of the Closet+

She is not afraid of flaunting her true personality. She hums cheap Bollywood numbers, voraciously reads Dosheeza digest, follows the...

Read More+ 12 years ago
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Lawn Wars: The Fashion Menace+

Elsewhere in the tropics the cold season is followed by a season of pleasant temperatures before the heat of the...

Read More+ 13 years ago
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Faysal Bank’s ambitions+

Here I am, starting a new week with a post on yet another Pakistani bank. Faysal Bank has recently released...

Read More+ 13 years ago

The most anticipated film in the history of Pakistan+

The first look trailer for ‘The most anticipated film in the history of Pakistan’, Waar, is now out. Only I...

Read More+ 13 years ago
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Express goes swirly girly+

Express Media Group has launched a new channel focusing on just entertainment- as if their overly dramatic, sensationalistic news stories...

Read More+ 13 years ago