
Our View of the Brand New Conference 2015+

In September this year, Najwat from The Desi Design attended the Annual Brand New Conference in New York City. The...

Read More+ 9 years ago

Original is Nothing+

Nothing is original. Not even the title of this article. Not even you and not even I. Mere adaptations pieced together...

Read More+ 9 years ago

The Desi Designers: #7: Anum Awan+

For the seventh episode of our The Desi Designers Series, we interviewed Boston-based Pakistani designer Anum Awan. Hailing from Lahore, Anum attended...

Read More+ 9 years ago

National Ka Pakistan: A Textbook Example of Great Branded Content+

We have already said that we think this fun travel + food show is brilliant. Visuals that seem taken right...

Read More+ 9 years ago
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Recommendations for a Revival+

8 Pakistani films have been released this year. 7 more are waiting in line. This is unprecedented. It is no...

Read More+ 9 years ago